The images represent my theme of consumerism because they show consumerism in many different ways from it's silly side to the serous side. The images also represent how comsumerism is on the rise and is sometimes so much a part of life that people don't notice it.My message with these pictures is to show how much consumerism is in the public even though some things are not as obvious as others. some of these pictures point out things that are not obvious to people who a are comsumers. In order for some one to get what the pictures are saying they have to think deeply about the subject. I chose this image because it is a symbol of consumerism, but more importantly they show a side of comsumerism that people rarely get to see, the side that the companies don't want you to see. These pictures shows how much things that are advertized are valued, but for me they are not as much because I can not just get anything I want. In my life I have been held from consuming all the things that media sale me by my parents, so I only comsumed part of my life. Since I did not consume like all the others I was aware of the consuming that was going on around me. Looking at this, it discouraged me from being like others and shoping for everything I want. Although this discouraged me it did not stop me from buying things like others and I was not aware when I was doing it.Most of my ideas about comsumerism came from my parents and my siblings. These pictures show what consumerism is really doing to people and how comedic it is. But these issues brought up by the pictures are also serous because if this is really happening then there is almost no way of stoping it. Our world could end up sort of looking like the world in M.T Anderson's Book "feed".
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